NAFD缩写的意思-Nederlandse Associatie van Financiële Deskundigen (Netherlands)


  • 【英文缩写】: NAFD
  • 【英文全称】: Nederlandse Associatie van Financiële Deskundigen (Netherlands)
  • 【中文解释】: Nederlandse Associatie van Financiële Deskundigen (Netherlands)
  • 【缩写分类】: 机构组织
  • 【缩写简介】: NAFD 相关英文缩写
以上为Nederlandse Associatie van Financiële Deskundigen (Netherlands)英文缩略词NAFD的中文解释及分类。


英文缩写 英文全称 中文意思
NAFD Nederlandse Associatie van Financiële Deskundigen (Netherlands) Nederlandse Associatie van Financiële Deskundigen (Netherlands)
NAFD Neighborhood Alliance on Fenway Development (Boston, MA, USA) 芬威发展社区联盟(美国马萨诸塞州波士顿)
NAFD National Association of Federal Defenders (Nashville, TN, USA) 全国联邦辩护律师协会(美国田纳西州纳什维尔)
NAFD North African Ferrying Division (US Army Air Force) 北非狩猎师(美国陆军航空兵)
NAFD North Adams Fire Department (Massachusetts, USA) 北亚当斯消防局(美国马萨诸塞州)
NAFD North Aurora Fire Department (Chicago, IL, USA 北奥罗拉消防局(美国伊利诺伊州芝加哥
NAFD National Association of Funeral Directors (UK) 英国全国殡葬管理协会
NAFD National Association of Fire Departments 国家消防局协会
NAFD Neighborhood Alliance on Fenway Development 芬威发展邻里联盟
NAFD Northern Areas Forest Department (Pakistan) 北部地区森林部门(巴基斯坦)
上表最多展示NAFD的10条常用含义,点击 NAFD 查看更多。


  • NAFD Nederlandse Associatie van Financiële Deskundigen (Netherlands)
  • LFT Letra Financeira做Tesouro(巴西公共政府纸张的)
  • KTH Kungl Tekniska Högskolan (Sweden; Royal Institute of Technology)
  • KSS KomunistickÁ Strana Slovenska (Slovak Communist Party, Slovakia)
  • JVP Janatha Vimukthi Peramuna(人民解放阵线,斯里兰卡)
  • IPE Instituto de PrevidÊncia do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil)
  • IFI Institut德拉为了“垂直肉粽操纵策略”,越南河内'Informatique()
  • IFN Institut Français pour la Nutrition (French Nutrition Institute)
  • HNK Hrvatsko Narodno Kazalište (Croatian: Croatian National Theatre)
  • HKS Hrvatski Kineziološki Savez (Croatian Kinesiological Federation)
  • HOPS Henkilökohtainen Opetussuunnitelma (Finnish: independent study)
  • FOCAL 在这种气候下法国海洋等'Atlantique赤道(法国)——《我的野蛮女友》
  • DAO Dessin AssistÉ par Ordinateur (French: computer assisted design)
  • FIA 报道国际d 'Alger(法国:阿尔及尔国际展览会的)
  • CLG Cumann LÚthchleas Gael (Club of the Gaelic Athletic Association)